回顾 : CINEMQ 27 迪斯科 DISCO RECAPRestless bodies congregate in the dark of the night, swirling in a fervent tide of beats and glitter, lust and sweat. Spiraling...
CINEMQ 25 兽 BEAST感谢在这周来到ALL,参加“CINEMQ 25: 兽”的每一位朋友。在一整晚精彩的酷儿短片中,我们徜徉在欲望的深林,探索原始的动物冲动,审视酷儿人格与兽性间的千丝万缕。 Thanks to everyone who came down to ALL this week...
回顾 RECAP: 赛博 CYBERThanks to everyone who came to CINEMQ: CYBER at ELEVATOR last week. It was a fabulous and emotional night of cyborg sexualities and...
CINEMQ21 仙 GODDEX : RECAP回顾感谢在上周来到SPECTERS,参加“CINEMQ 21: 仙”的每一位朋友。这一晚精彩的短片编排,将焦点放在流动的性与性别身份,带观众领略世俗条框之上的飘仙自我。 Thanks to everyone who came down to SPECTERS last week...
CINEMQ19 蓝 BLUE : RECAP 回顾感谢在上周来到ALL,参加“CINEMQ 19: 蓝”的每一位朋友。在这一期的活动中,我们的短片编排聚焦黑人、有色人种、及非裔人群中的酷儿文化,讲述月光下蓝色孩子们的故事。 Thanks to everyone who came down to ALL last week...
The Women On The Second Floor“Which woman? There are so many of them.” Between objectification, rigid gender politics and commodification, we live in a world that...