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Point, Shoot: Enabling Community Storytelling Through Film

Film is a vital tool in telling the lives of queer people. The shifting economics of filmmaking, in particular the digital revolution of production and distribution, have opened new routes for self-reporting, representation and exploration in fiction, documentary and experimental work. In Asia and the global South, where stories have historically gone untold, or been told by outsiders, new possibilities are still being uncovered. This programme presents four films produced by organisations that provide resources, mentorship and funding to new filmmakers seeking to tell stories from their own communities and experience.

Join us after the screening for a discussion with Dr. He Xiaopei (Pinkspace) and Juan M. Sanchez (&Proud) on the role of DIY filmmaking in queer activism and community building.

CINEMQ presents Point, Shoot: Enabling Community Storytelling Through Film as part of our collaboration with 'Queer' Asia. From 17th June to July 22nd, catch screenings and discussions in London and Warwick, UK with filmmakers and practitioners working in LGBTQ activism, community and arts in Asia and Asian diasporas.

Point, Shoot: Enabling Community Storytelling Through Film will screen 10.00am - 11.30am at Stevenson Lecture Theatre, British Museum, London WC1B 3DG. Events are free, but registration is required. Visit to register for tickets.

You and Me

Ha Na & Lu Ling | China | Produced by Queer University

When you turn the camera around, you can’t see yourself.


Lei Lei Aye | Myanmar | Produced by Rainbow Reels

A woman from the village and a man from the city fall in love, make a home and raise a family in this delicate documentary portrait of queerness in rural Myanmar.


V. Ramanathan | India | Produced by KASHISH Arts Foundation

Shireen drives a taxi and dreams of becoming an actress. Krithika is focused in her ambition to become a police officer. A story of two friends striving for recognition of their preferred gender in a society that can’t think beyond the physicality of being a male or female.


Yaoyao | China | Produced by Queer University

In the eastern city of Jinan, a group of trans men meet in solidarity and call each other ‘brother’. Tony is one of them. Yaoyao’s documentary follows Tony on his journey to self-acknowledgement, taking in the hardships his community faces along the way.



CINEMQ is a queer short film screening + party series. It is run by a group of queers with too much on their mind to sit still for long. We’re publishing articles on queer cinema and screen culture every week. Want to contribute? Message our account or email

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